Meaning of opleden in doop record?
I have just entered an indvidual: Fekke, ID GPLT-GCD. I have attached two sources. One of them is extracted information (probably by the allefriezen people). The other is the image which I presume is the source for that extracted record.
When you click on View Original Document it goes to and there is a remark: De dopeling is overleden. When I look at the image I see the word "opleden" at the end of the record. Is that the source of the remark in the extracted record that De dopeling is overleden? When I look up the meaning of opeleden it says: suffer.
Hi Paul,
my guess would be that the clerk wrote down ovleden. So the note that she is overleden (paste away). Maybe he was just in a hurry and didn’t feel like writing the word in full.
Kind regards,
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Er is een site online waar je zulke dingen kunt voorleggen, namelijk 'wat staat daar?, je kunt dan naar forum gaan en iets aankaarten.
Het lijkt een rare annotatie, voor de leek, allicht is het wel opmerking is centraal geplaatst , als afbakening want je ziet ze boven en onder het bericht.Ook is de stijl heel anders, door een andere klerk gedaan.Mogelijk is het een plaatsnaam?...of zou dat vergezocht zijn?...wat denk je?
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je mag het van mij overal plaatsen, maar dese annotatie zal waarschijnlijk een tijdje later geplaatst zijn en inderdaad vermoedelijk door een ander. Je ziet in andere archieven heel vaak ‘Obit’ staan. Dat is ook zo’n soort notatie.
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Thank you for the replies. Sorry for English. I can translate your answers easily with Google.
I would say the "opleden" was added later and does mean the child passed away. However it doesn't give any idea of how long they lived.
Anyway there are a lot of those remarks on records in that set of images. It must have been a heartwrenching time to be a young couple having children.
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Paul, if possible, could you post the actual link to that catalogue itself, not a snapshot of an image,...that would make it very easy to browse the catalogue itself to compare pages , remarks etc...
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There seems to be another birth for the couple, 'Lijsbet', also municipality is on it as Schoterland=> Heerenveen.
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Famsearch seems to have all the churchbooks for Friesland , so contains Schoterland and Heerenveen.
They should belong to the religion, 'Hervormde gemeente' and Fekke is born 1732 and Korneliske is from 1741 and has the remark 'de dopeling is overleden',....Korneliske is to be found in between the persons in the two pervious links , the list Heerenveen , see Year 1741 ; moreover the term 'hervormde gemeente' along with the link in this chatbox here,could lead you to the source files...but this is a conditional truth.Give it a try!