Help with writing please.
I have a record that mostly i have transferred to text. But a few bits are hard to understand. Can I get a second opinion please.
Here is link. To Quebec archives.
I will upload my Queeries.
Here is my transcription.
Frederick Mansfield Smith of Montreal of Chelmsford Sussex England (Not sure where this "cutter" fits ?), son of Abraham Smith and
Mary Mansfield his Wife, and Amelia Alice
Taylor Martin, Spinster, Daughter of Samuel Martin,
of ?????? England and Susan Taylor his
Wife were Married in St Martins Church
by authority of Licence (both parties being
of full age) on the twenty-ninth day of July (July 29 1897)
in the year of our Lord One Thousand
Eight-hundred and ninety seven
by me William W. Craig
Assistand Minister
This marrage was {Frederick Mansfield Smith
Salomnized Between Us{ Amealia Alice Taylor Martin
In the presence of S.(?W or ?M) Martin ???????
Jessie Martin Violet Martin
Many Thank.
Torquay, in Devon -
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Yes, Torquay is in Devon and is a place.
Cutter is probably his occupation (probably stonecutter, but that is a guess)
S.M. - probably. The W's look different (straighter lines). But it's a hard one to be sure.
The surname (signature) under Amelia (Aurelia?) Alice could possibly be Mansfield, but that's a stretch.
Further question: Is it possible the wife's name is Aurelia not Amelia? If you know for sure, that's fine, but those u/r/m etc are tough to distinguish.
Just my thoughts.
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Mansfield is correct , As is Alice. Here is another document and a little clearer viewpoint.
Thank you for your thoughts.