Transcription/translation help - Alswede
Hello! In the christening entry, highlighted in green and white on the page on the right side, here is what I can try to transcribe. Could you please correct and make additions?
"Herman Scheper in der Reide? und seiner Fraulein? ehlich kind gehören an der probstij?, gevattern Margaret Anna sorer, parentis"
Also could you tell me what the word that looks like "probsteij" means? I assume it's Latin, and it is used in the two entries before this one.
The other question: when the father is shown, it says "in der R??deij", can you tell what this refers to? I have also attached his burial record which also refers to this.
Much appreciated! Jenny
Miglior Risposta
Probstei/Probstey is the area of responsibility (and also the name for the residence) of a "Probst", a higher church official (cf. english provost). The Probst for the area was residing in Levern (
The other word in question I read as Winde(n) (most clearly in the death record).
"Herman Scheper in der Winde(n)? und seiner Frawen ehlich kind gehören an die probstey, gevattern Margaret Anna soror, parentis"
Thank you for explaining about the Probstei/Probstey. I see that in other entries as well. So this family lived in Levern?