Please help with the details of a birth in Salmbach, Neuenbürg, Württemberg, Deutschland
The record in question is the second last on the right side of the page. I would appreciate your correcting what I'm getting wrong and helping me with the items I missed. Thank you!
On 11 Oct 1706 is born Anna Catharina illegitimate daughter of Margaretha, Matthai Faas ? ? daughter, gibt an zum Vater Leonhard ? ? ; godparents Michael Volle & Margaretha his wife from Langenbrand.
Here's as much as I can add, in bold -
On 11 Oct 1706 is born Anna Catharina illegitimate daughter of Margaretha, surviving daughter of the deceased Matthai Faas from Salmbach
? ? daughter, gibt an zum Vater Leonhardt Wustner *; godparents Michael Volle & Margaretha his wife from Langenbrand*Note - Compare the W in the 16 Feb entry on the opposite page. The writing after Leonhardt's name is difficult to read, but I think at least part of it says "eines Reither von ?rischen ?: unter das Comp: Rg: Z von St?."