Translation request please and help with interpretation
Please help with some of notes - also with interpretation:
Rzehorz Dušek is deceased in this record, is Ondrej the husband of Johanna and stepfather to the children? Rzehorz Dušek's wife was named Joanna.
+ Řzehořz Dušek , nyni? Ondrej
Zena Johanna
Děti Syrotek:
Rozyna 26, notes? Worssyla 22 u otczima (at stepfather) Auhorcze Rzehorz (Řehoř) 2 u matky+ ??? ---, Justina 15 U otczima (at stepfather), Maryana 16 U notes ??, Zioffije (Žofie) 8 and Johanna 1 U otczima (at stepfather)
Thank you and thanks for all the prior help.
I would also mark Ondřej as the new husband of Johanna.
Rozina 26 U Czernyho we wsy (at the Černý family here in this village)
+ Jirzik --
Maryanna 13 U Benesse w Slawossowiczych (at the Beneš family in Slavošovice)
The rest you already have. Your transcription looks good to me.