Norwegian Birth/Death Record Translation
At the attached link, there is a notation on the right page, item number 3 for an unnamed child of Johan Olsen and Margrethe Monsdr. Can you provide the translation for this record? This may have been a death-at-birth situation. What I can't understand is whether this child was a male or female. Thanks for your assistance!
Brian Zarkou
At the top of these 3 columns is the heading "Dødfødte" which indicates that these 3 columns are for "Stillborn" children.
This is a record of a stillborn male. The date of the still birth is 5 February 1858. Under the parents' names is "1 drangebarn = 1 male child". For comparison, in the record following this one, below the parents' names, it reads "1 pigebarn = 1 maid child".
The last column (right side) records when the stillbirth was reported to the priest and who reported it. It was reported on 15 February 1858 by the father and cottager's wife Maria Jensdatter Hagelløkken-Eie. There is more in this column, but it is beyond by Norwegian abilities.