Translation Request Danish Marriage Record
FIlm 7211631 Image 491 Karise, Præstø, Denmark marriage 1803
marriage 13th November 1803 Niels Jensen and Sophie Hans datter
Miglior Risposta
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The first part of the marriage record says "the 13th November 1803, were married batchelor Niels Jensen and maid (maiden) Sophie Hansdatter both from St[ore]linde". The rest of the record, which I won't translate directly, states that they are not related to each other and that there is nothing to hinder them from being legally married. That is certified by the signatures below on 13 November 1803: Hans Sørensen, Jens Pedersen and Hans Nielsen.
Between the given names and the patronymic surnames of the bondsmen, are their initials. For example Hans H. S. s. Sørensen, where H. S. s. = H(ans) S(øren)s(en). Bondsmen where usually-but not always-relatives (father, brother, uncle etc.). For Jens I. P. Pedersen, keep in mind that "I" and "J" are, essentially, the same letter. Hans H N Nielsen is the last signature.
I believe that Niels and Sophie are together in the 1801 census here: They are unmarried and they are both servants (tjenestekarl and tjenestepige) in the household of Jens Sørensen in Storelinde. Niels is also a Nationalsoldat (a national soldier).
Thank you so much Norm!