Translation Help - Birth, 1803, Julianna Kapczyńska (1825 reissue), Szadek
May I receive some help with the following translation?
The document is a reissued birth/baptism certificate. It is mostly in Latin but contains a margin note in Polish.
My best effort is below.
Best regards,
[Top margin note: Paper missing from the extracted …?]
Extract from birth records - baptisms from the Szadek Parish
Addendum to Marriage record number 19
On 5 January 1803 I, Hyacynh Richter, The parish priest pf Szadek, baptized a baby girl named Julianna, daughter of Antoni Kapczyński and Magdalena nee Adamkiewicz, a legitimately married couple. The god parents were Kasper Zabtuski and Catherine Wodzynska. This document was prepared in Szadek on 9 February 1825
Jan Lesniwski? Priest of Szadek
Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Szadku | Jednostka: 7000 / A-1808-1829 | Katalog: Aneksy | Lata: 1825 | Entry 50 | Addendum to marriage record 19
On 5 January 1803 I, Hyacynthus Richter, the parish priest of Szadek, baptized a baby girl named Julianna, daughter of Antoni Kapczyński (Kapciński) and of Magdalena nee Adamkiewicz, a legitimately married couple. The godparents were Kasper Zabłocki and Catharina Wodzyńska. This document was prepared in Szadek on the 9 February 1825.
Jan Lesniewski Priest of Szadek
Akta stanu cywilnego Parafii Rzymskokatolickiej w Szadku | Jednostka: 7000 / A-1808-1829 | Katalog: Aneksy | Lata: 1825 | Entry 50 | Addendum to marriage record 19
Note on margin: Ad Acta Slubow No. 19. (Attached to the Marriage Record No. 19)
You have already seen in Geneteka, lodzkie, Szadek, this marriage indexed, and the marriage record No. 19, year 1825.