How to access the Archdiocese of Freiburg im Briesgau records?
Instead of searching for someone in a specific village, is there a way to search the larger area of the archdiocese? Seems the archdiocese collection would include all the villages that have records and would be faster and easier than searching each neighboring village and then even having to go farther away, one by one.
Many thanks for suggestions.
Miglior Risposta
Hello Elizabeth,
Are you familiar with this database on FamilySearch:
The following link provides additional infromation about this collection:,_Baden,_Archdiocese_of_Freiburg_im_Breisgau,_Catholic_Church_Records_-_FamilySearch_Historical_Records#FamilySearch_Historical_Records
Oh, Robert, thank you. Both links are now bookmarked and your answer archived in Word. A new lease on my research....a wondrous gift. Many thanks.
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You're welcome, Elizabeth.