Request translation assistance - Marianna Mazan -b-1886 Kupno, Kolbuszowa
Please help with any details or insights regarding Marianna Mazan, birth 1886, Kupno, Kolbuszowa, Poland. This is what I can glean from the entry/record:
Marianna Mazan, Birth 1886, Rec No. 39. House no. 78
Adalbertus (Wojciech) Mazan
Anna Preneta
Joseph (Jozef) Krel
Josepha (Jozefa) Bialek
Smierci – 1886 -08-06
DOB – 9 July 1886
Thank you. I appreciate it. Merry Christmas and Many blessings for the New Year,
Mattie, I cannot access the original record, I may do it when I go to the FamilySearchLibrary in SLC on the 27th December 2023. In the meantime, I can translate the birth record of Marianna Mazań, as it is indexed in Geneteka. Merry Christmas to you also and blessings for the New Year.
Birth Record No. 39, Kolbuszowa, of Marianna Mazań, born in Kupno on the 9th July 1886, daughter of father: Franciscus (Franciszek in Polish) Mazań, who is son of Adalbertus (Wojciech) Mazań and of Anna Prenęta, and of mother: Agnieszka, born Kreł, who is daughter of Josephus (Józef) Kreł and of Josepha (Józefa), born Białek. Godparents: Adalbertus (Wojciech) Haryasz and Sophia (Zofia) Rak, wife of Andreas (Andrzej) Rak. Note about the death of Marianna Mazań, that she died on the 6th August 1886.
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Thanks very much Maria,
hope you are having a wonderful Christmas. Mattie
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Maria--this is not my ancestor. I realized after you mentioned the death date is the same year as the birth. Thank you, Mattie