Marriage Licenses for Icklesham, East Sussex, England
I looked at familysearch/mapp for Icklesham and it says that the diocese is Chicester. I'm looking for the marriage licenses for two relatives performed in 1801 and 1774. Nothing is in the films 4428481 and 4428074 but nothing was there. Any suggestions?
Thanks! Jared
opps! I was thinking you were looking for Scottish Records.
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Hi Jared,
I wonder if you can search in the wiki for the records that are available and work through those.
How about checking for Bishop's Transcripts?
Sometimes Historical Images contain these records. To search Images, try this:
FamilySearch Support
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You state that you are looking for marriage licences. Do you know that these people were married by licence? Most people were married by banns. Even if married by licence, it is worth checking the parish register. For Icklesham, see
If they were not married in Icklesham itself, life gets more difficult. Apart from searching on FamilySearch, others options are
FindMyPast has a good database of marriages in Sussex
Another option is the Sussex Family History Group which has a very comprehensive collection of marriage recor5ds in Sussex
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According to GENUKI, Icklesham was in the Archdeaconry of Lewes. (See ). Licences (bonds, lists, etc) for Lewes AD are on two films
Films 4428481 and 4428074 are for the Archdeaconry of Chichester. I know that Icklesham was in the Diocese of Chichester but a Diocese and an Archdeaconry are different things - an Archdeaconry is a sub-division of a Diocese and Chichester Diocese had at least two - Lewes and Chichester.
I would suggest (but don't know for certain) that if the marriage took place at Icklesham then the licence data would have been collected by the local Archdeaconry, i.e. the Archdeaconry of Lewes. So, I suggest you wade your way through the licences etc for Lewes AD on that link.
General note - the relevance of archdeaconries does alter from diocese to diocese. The marriage licence stuff for the Diocese of Chester all seemed to end up at Chester - eventually. However, probate materials for that diocese seemed to be split between the Archdeaconry of Chester and the Archdeaconry of Richmond, with the frontier being something like the River Ribble.
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You might also find this link useful - - it's the (copyrighted, personal use only) Sussex Record Society "VOL 25: MARRIAGE LICENCES AT LEWES, 1772-1837, A TO L".
I believe from Google references that M-Z (presumably indexed by the name of the groom) was published later.