Requesting Translation Assistance
After obtaining hundreds of Czech records (seriously), it dawned on me that Family Search had a group for Czechia research. There are several older records that I may need assistance with. This is the first:
Could someone assist me with the translation of the record for Katerina Dolejsi? I am not certain whether she would be an aunt or half-aunt.
Thank you and have a good day.
Glad to put in my translation.
Here is the deal. Katerina was illegitimate when born and her mother's maiden name was placed on the record: Kozak from Dabinec. When the parents married her birth was legitimized by marriage which is
Born 28 Oc 1836, Christening: 28 Oct 1836 in Wsses Welice (Velice) house 18, infant: Katerina (Koyak v -Dabinec (Dubenec)- crossed out) Dolegssj, Katholic, female, illegitimate, paragraph: Subsequent marriage for infant Catharina legitimized anno 1837 as her mother married in Pagi=Village Velice fol: 1 page 204
Acceptance of the baptism 8 Feb 1860
Father: Jakub Dolegssj Municipal ? From Jamoslawic, __ Kateriny Dolegssj __ Frantisska Dolegssk sedlaka= farmer from Velice, House 11, Jaustroj? Hlaboka?
Mother: Johana daughter of deceased Tomasse Kozak from Babinec sedlaka=farmer, from Velice, and his wife Kateriny rozena=born David from Velica panstcoj Hluboskehe
Godparents: Franz Tehar __ Frantissek Tehar Wegmenkar from Midlowar, Terezye, his wife.
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Thank you, Betseylee.
I managed to find the marriage record after submitting this birth record for translation. I wasn't sure what all of the notations indicated. So, Katerina would be a half aunt. I haven't been able to find the death record for Johana, but I know that Jakub remarried, and one of his children, Vojtech, wound up becoming my second great grandfather. Vojtech has a very interesting story which included him murdering his second wife.
I have a few more records for this side of the family that I have uncovered in the past couple of days. I will be submitting those that I can't figure out myself. Thank you again.
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You are welcome.