Name Translation
could sombody decipher this Name to german
the frist part is K(Ch)ristian and Dorotea born as ???? (Fregb???tka)
this coud be Tegtmeyer!?
For German translation, please post in the Germany Group. Thank you. PaulaAnn
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Not sure if after many months this is still needed, but writing seems to say Фрегъбылиха or Фрегьбѣлиха The -иха suffix added to the last name was commonly used in some areas of nowadays Ukraine to indicate the maiden name, Govorun->Govoruniha, Korobka->Korobchiha etc, so you can ignore the last three letters and assume that the maiden name was something like Friebel or Fröbel. Definitely not Tegtmeyer though which would rather be spelled as Тетмайер or Тейтмейер