Translation Request
1) translate the cover of the book and if possible, explain the function of this document if it is not clear from the cover title.
2) translate the text enclosed in boxes on the attached page including the meaning of the headings at the top of each column. I am interested in learning about what was going on with my ancestors, the Mergenthalers. Were they paying taxes? Were they Widows receiving payment on the death of their soldier husbands? Paying to receive visas to leave Württemberg?
The documents come from the stadtarchives in Wieblingen and are not available online.
Thank you very much. John Mergendoller
Migliori Risposte
Hi John,
as far as I interpret this correctly this is a so-called "Bürgerrolle" or "Bürgerbuch" of the municipality of Hohenaker/Waiblingen.
1) Hohenaker
Oberamts Waiblingen
Tabellarisches Verzeichnis
die in der dortigen Gemeinde-
Registratur befindlichen
I guess this is a list of all persons who wanted to become citizens of the municipality of Hohenaker. Anyone who wanted to settle in the town and run a business here, for example, had to acquire citizenship. To do so, the applicant usually had to present a birth certificate to the council and pay a fee. Finally, by taking the oath of citizenship, the applicant undertook to fulfil the rights and duties of a citizen.
2) the columns are
Stand des Eingezogenen (Status or profession of the drafted person)
Ort woher er gekommen (place where he/her came from)
Vermögen desselben (assets of the same)
Tag der Aufnahme (day of admission)
Bemerkungen (comments)
word in Line 156 means Bauer (farmer)
Line 157: Maria Katharina Mergenthaler from Neustadt assets: 300 f 16. August 1867
word in line 165 means Frauenkleidermacher (dressmaker for women)
Line 170: Barbara Mergenthaler from Haynach assets: 6100 f 28. August 1870
I hope I could help
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Thank you Burk-very helpful!