Translation request for a 1817 Freudenberg birth record of Katherine Kerchner
May I have birth 29 translated please?
film 008086297, image 57 of 533, page 100, birth # 29
My best guess is:
birth 29, ? house 16, on 14th June 1817 in the morning 6th hour born and ? christeded 4th hour ? ?, Katherine female infant of Michel Kerchner and Kath. Elis. Hoepfner ????????????
Migliori Risposte
29.Kerchnerin . 16
Den 14ten Juni Morgens 6 Uhr geb[oren] u[nd] Nachmittags 4 Uhr get[auft] worden. Katharina T[ochter] des Michel Kerchner und Kath[arina] Elis[abeth] Höpfnerin. Z[eugen] Melchior Köhler u[nd] Lorenz Krieg. Fbg. ut supra. Reinhard Pfarrer
29.[female]Kerchner . 16
Born June 14, 6 a.m. and baptized in the afternoon at 4 p.m. was Katharina, daughter of Michel Kerchner and Katharina Elisabeth Höpfner. Witnesses: Melchior Köhler and Lorenz Krieg. Fbg.? as above. [signature] Reinhard, Pastor
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Interesting! It looks like the second record is a copy of the first one - but in Latin. There are some differences: the sponsor/godparent is different: Catharina, Emerici Elbert uxore (Catherina, wife of Emmerich Elbert). And the second lists only the day of baptism, not the birth, which is evident for M. Magdalena Arnoldin. According to the first record she was born on June 6 and baptized on June 7, but only the latter date is mentioned in the second record. However, both registers are apparently church books.
I can't access the films directly. There may be some information on the title page of these books regarding their function.
Thank you for this birth transcription and translation Ulrich; much appreciated and grateful for your ability to translate.
I have found a second birth/baptism record for Katharina; however it is spelled with a "C", and it is very brief; it looks like the witnesses are different however the date, child, and parents look the same? Would you please look at this second record and verify it is the same family? Why would there be two records of this birth? Are they state and church records?
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Thank you again for these insights Ulrich Neitzel; I will check the title pages.