Translation help needed for birth record of Emilie Höfer
Could I please have this record translated? It is entry #168
Sonntags, den 21. May geb. u. d. 2. Jun. im Hause getauft. Herrn Johann Gottlieb Hoefers, Bürgers u Tuchmachers wie auch Kirchners zu St. Georgen allhier, u. Fr. Friedrika Sophia, geb. Postaad(?) aus Neustadt an der Orla, Töchterl.
Gev. 1. Ich der Superintendent, Carl Friedrich O__, 2. Fr. Wilhelmine Luise, Herrn Heinrich Gottlob Behrs, verordneter Archidiaconi allh. Gattin, 3. Jgfr Wilhelmina, Herr Friedrich August Gerkers, Med. Doctoris pract. allh. älteste Tochter
Born Sunday, May 21, and baptized June 2 at home: the little daughter of Mr. Johann Gottlieb Hoefer, citizen and cloth maker as well as sexton in St. George here, and of Mrs. Friedrika Sophia, née Postaad(?) from Neustadt on the Orla,
[named] Emilie
Sponsors: 1. I, the Superintendent Carl Friedrich O__?, 2. Mrs. Wilhelmine Luise, wife of Mr. Heinrich Gottlob Behr, acting Archidiacon here, 3. Miss Wilhelmina, eldest daughter of Mr. Friedrich August Gerkers, Medical Doctor and practitioner here