Paleography question
I have been comparing the names for the Mooberry-Flenniker marriage record. My concern is that the birth and death records of children and grandchildren have identified the spouse as Cynthia Flannigan. I have not found evidence of Cynthia or Samuel remarrying. Please help to transcribe the marriage record of Samuel and Cynthia? Thank you for your help.
Cynthia Flannigan is most likey just an alternate spelling of Flenniker. If you pronounce both names with a thick accent to someone not familiar with the names they are probably almost identical. Spelling of surnames was not standardized. The two Cynthias are the same person.
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I read number 1733 as Samuel Mooberry to Cynthia Flenniken Sept 30th 1829 by James Hoge MG.
A search for Flennikens in Ohio found John Flenniken (born 24 Dec 1801 in Ohio, died 21 Apr 1874 in Hopedale, Tazewell, Illinois) and his sister Dorcas (born 16 Jul 1808 in Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, died 31 May 1886 in Columbus Franklin, Ohio) who both were married in Franklin County. Dorcas's marriage is recorded in the same volume as Cynthia's marriage and both officiated or recorded by James Hoge MG.
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Thank you