Translation Request - Swedish Occupation or Civil Status
I have a swedish birth record from 1773 in Högsrum, Kalmar, Sweden. I am trying to understand the father's occupation/civil status in the birth record.
This is the link
It is the birth entry for Carl on the left page, top entry.
"d: 31 Juli föddes och d: 3 Aug: döptes barnet
Carl ifrån Stora Rör fadern ?Sintaren?
Niclas Frost och modern Catharina Persdotr..."
Is "Sintaren" the correct transcription? Does someone have any insight into the meaning?
You did very well transcribing the entry! The word you are having difficulties with is "snikaren". Snikare (snickare) is "carpenter" and snikaren (snickaren) is "the carpenter".