Request to decipher abbreviations in Familienbuch
Attached is a page from the Konigheim Familienbuch ab 1630. I can't figure out the shorthand notations in the middle column, between baptis & obitus. My web search looking for how to interpret this turned up nothing. Would appreciate a pointer on how to understand this. Thanks so much.
Kathy Hornbach
"Status" gives a reference to another entry in the book.
Example: right hand side (page 1028) first entry is for Hornbach Adamus, "Status" 1027 n.2.i
Go to the left hand side (page 1027): number 2 is Hornbach Joannes - and his son "i" is Joannes Adamus, bapt. 17 April 1704 - reference 1028 n.1. Looks like the writer was too lazy to repeat the baptismal date here 😉.
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Thank you so much! What a clever way to code things! This knowledge is very useful - it gives connections to other pages in the book, which will make following the lineages much simpler.
Really appreciate you taking the time to explain this to me.
Kathy Hornbach
(the 5th great-granddaughter of Adam Hornbach on page 1028)