I am reading a Shetland Testament in 1647.
I have a completed PRINTED transcription of that testament made by experts. But there are few things that I don't understand:
he leaves the rest of the BED PLAIDIS to his said spouse. What is a BED PLAIDIS ?
... his new CLAYTHES and his new JOUP? I assume his new clothes but what is the JOUP? Is that a Scottish kilt?
... he hes three, QUHILKIS four CLAFFIS he willis to be devydit betuix... What are QUHILKIS and what are CLAFFIS?
Finally, how big is a MERK of land
Thanks so much.
A bed-plaid: https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/bed_plaid
Joup: https://dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/joup
You'll find definitions for most of the others in the same dictionary.
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Thanks so much for your answer. Yvette Longstaff
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There would be some interest in your question in the Scottish Research Group. You may find value to repost it there.
This current group, which has a focus on Ireland, would not be knowledgeable on matters relating to Shetland or a Scottish Kilt.
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Thanks so much for your suggestion. I thought that I had joined the Scottish Group, not the Irish group. I am now 91 years old and I add up the mistakes with each added birthday. So be it, making mistakes is part of this mortal life. ...
I also have Irish mysteries. All my English, Irish and Scottish research is on my husband's side. He died four years ago and now I am running in the dust of his shoes. I will try and finish the Scottish project then I may turn to ask help on the Irish mysteries.
I am so glad that I was born in France because our French research is so MUCH EASIER.
Thanks so much.