marriage translation
Please confirm/correct this attempt at the marriage record: (please write this in german--I am trying to learn these words but I get so overwhelmed. I should be able to interpret the ones with nice hand writing my now. Thank you for your patience and assistance.
Greiffenstein on 7 December 1742 Johan Reinhard Blecker ??? legitimate son of Henrich Blecker and Rahel Catharina ??? Wilhelm Frieß legitimate daughter married after 3 proclamations.
Miglior Risposta
this is what I read:
Greifenstein, d 7. Decemb: ist Johann Reinhard Blecker
weÿl[and] Henrich Bleckers allhier nachgelaßener Ehl[icher]. Sohn
und Rahel Catharina weÿl[and] Willhelm Frießen
daselbst nachgelaßenr ehl[icher]. tochter nach Vorhergegangener
3maligen Proclamation copuliert worden.
Greifenstein, on the 7th of December Johann Reinhard Blecker leftbehind legitimate son of the deceased Henrich Blecker from here and Rahel Catharina leftbehind legitimate daughter of deceased Willhelm Frieß from here were married after preceding 3 times proclamation.