I have a question about the contents of a source I found on FamilySearch.
The URL for the source is-
It is a birth record form the "Hawaii Births and Christenings, 1852-1933" collection.
When I open the URL mentioned above, I see the new born's name- "Masami Takano" and birth date and place.
When I attach the source to that person in the FSFT, the source linker also includes the new born's father and mother.
Is the father and mother info contained in the source? If it is, why doesn't the URL mentioned above contain any reference to the names?
A "source" as found in this URL tells you WHAT the source is and where it can be found. A "citation " tells who is referenced and the location within the source, page for example. You will have to access the source.
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My question was whether the source at the URL contains the parent info, and it must since it is used in the source linker.
I have subsequently found that this particular source has 3 different ARK urls.
One for each person named in the source .
It seems that the URL pointing to the son is of limited use. The 2 urls pointing to the two parents each contain the full set of information.
Is this explained some where?