Translation Assistance: Baptism
Would someone help look over and correct my translation? Greatly appreciate it.
Böhmenkirch Church Register
# of born/baptized in 1808 Burial Register: 21
Baptized name: Florian Riegert, illegitimate
Parents: Johann Riegert from Schnittlingen & Katharina Ranweiler from here – not sure what the word after that is . Note maybe referring to the fact she was unmarried Soluti? (single)
Child’s birth town/city: from here
Child’s birth date & time: April 18th, 1808 at 1pm
Person responsible for baptism: L. Kungler?,
Godparents: ledig (single)?? Florian Ranweiler, Heinzmann Genowefa? citizens from here
Family Number in Church Register: 231
Miglior Risposta
You are correct that the word Soluti in the parents' column means that both are "unmarried".
The entry in the baptist's column is Pfarrer, no name is given. (The entry in the top row looks like Kaplan Kayser).
@Ulrich Neitzel Thank you!