4 words from 1694 Alsace birth record - help please
This 1694 record for Maria Elisabetha Schmidt from Oberhoffen-sur-Moder, Alsace has 4 words (circled in red) I need help with. I'm also not sure about the wording of the last phrase, which looks to be "Anna Jost Wagners von Greffern aus Hessen des Schafers Eheweib" and I have tentatively translated as "Anna Jost Wagner from Greffern: Wife of Schafer from Hessen". Thanks!
:Maria Elisabetha Jacob Schmidts des hiesigen bürgers und Evä beeder? Eheleute Töchterlein, ist ☿ d[en]. 24. Martÿ Anno 1694. Geboren hor[a]. Pom[erid]. 4. Und Ꙩ Judica d[en]. 25 ejgd. Allhier getaufft worden. die Gevatteren waren: Herr Philipps Reinh. . Serminger? alhir, und Fraed? Maria Elisabetha meier? liebe HaußEhre; und Anna Jost Wagners von Greffern? aus Hessen des Schafers Eheweib.
:Maria Elisabetha, the little daughter of married couple Jacob Schmidt, the local Citizen, and Evä ?, was born Wednesday [☿ Mercury symbol] the 24 March Year 1694 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon and was baptized here Sunday [Ꙩ Sun symbol] Judica the 25 the same [month]. The godparents were: Mr. Philipp Reinh. . ?? here, and ?? Maria Elisabetha ?? dear housewife; and Anna Jost Wagner from Greffern?: Wife of Schafer from Hessen.
Archives d’Alsace; Archives Départementales du Bas-Rhin; Oberhoffen-sur-Moder - Paroisse protestante (Avant 1793) - Registre de baptêmes mariages sépultures 1671-1737 - 3 E 345/1; https://archives.bas-rhin.fr/detail-document/ETAT-CIVIL-C342-P2-R206944#visio/page:ETAT-CIVIL-C342-P2-R206944-2316153; Image 42 of 186; accessed 13 Sep 2023.
Migliori Risposte
Hello Tom,
First word: I agree with you that it is "beeder"; is this possibly Eva's maiden surname: "Beeder".
Second word: I agree with you that the word is "Serminger" and is a surname.
Third word: Is it possible that this is the unusual spelling "Fraw" for Frau" that we saw previously in another record?
Fourth word: I also read "meier" but can't see how it fits in this context. Possibly it's the word "meine" = "mine" but again I can't see how that fits in this context.
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I'd correct the last sentence to -
Anna, wife of Jost Wagner the shepherd from Greffern in Hessen.
Also, here's a thought. It's extremely unusual to find the word "liebe" in a list of godparents, but could this possibly be "meine liebe Hausehre," i.e. someone dear to the scribe who wrote this entry?
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If you go to the next page in the birth register, the name Serminger shows up several times. It may not show up in Geogen because that's only using data from current German cities - the Alsace doesn't count there.
Thanks both @Robert Seal_1 , @sylviaelchinger1. Eva 'beeder' is usually given as Eva née Roth, but I haven't confirmed that from any records yet. Serminger doesn't come up as a surname in geogen, so the jury is still out on that one. I will have to do some digging to see if the pastor might have been married!
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@sylviaelchinger1 Well spotted! Now I'm convinced!