Translation Help for Rölanda Mantal Record 1744
Hi, there are a series of names thar are linked together. This is the first record that ties 3 brothers who are my ancestors together at one time. (Tolf, Erik and Anders Jonsson). The first translation attempt is below, but it is confusing. So, my questions are. 1. Who is the mother - mother of Erik Jonsson? Others? 2. What or where is Fagerlund Eller Junckergren or Junck grund? We've never seen this reference anywhere before. 3. Who is the widow is from Kiälla? Is she possibly the land owner? This doesn't make sense as the Hard/Bellfrage family owns this Gillanda Sateri land. 4. Where is Torp under Gillanda? Again, have not seen this.
Starting in the middle of the page with
Ramberg , D. (Probably dräng or hired man) Erich Jonsson , a check mark for a man and one for a women, the note 'des Moder' meaning that the women column checked represents someone's mother, presumably Erich Jonsson's.
Skogen, Erich Gumandsson, able man
Tohltorp, Bryngel Jonsson, able man
Backa, Tolf Jonsson, able man
Hästhagen, Oluf Nilsson, able man
Fagerlund eller (or) Junckergren or possibly Juncker grund, Anders Jonsson, able man. (I haven't located a Junckergren or Juncker grund)
The notes column for Skogen down to Fagerlund have an inclusion bracket implying that the notes there apply to all five locations and says the following -
Änkan är från Kiällla [the widow is from Kiälla]
D. (dräng) Per i Fulska [hired man Per from Fulska]
Torp under Gilanda
Gåsen Bengt på Gilanda [the young boy Bengt at Gilanda]
Unfortunately I can't help much on these questions.
1. Who is the mother - mother of Erik Jonsson? Others?
I would agree that it seems to refer to the mother of listed person, Erich Jonsson.
2. What or where is Fagerlund Eller Junckergren or Junck grund? We've never seen this reference anywhere before.
There is a Fagerlund in Rölanda parish (,_%C3%84lvsborg,_Sweden_Genealogy). I can' find a place named Juncker...
3. Who is the widow is from Kiälla? Is she possibly the land owner? This doesn't make sense as the Hard/Bellfrage family owns this Gillanda Sateri land.
I believe it says änckeman which means widower (not widow). I don't know what it refers to, and I can't find a place called Kiälla.
4. Where is Torp under Gillanda? Again, have not seen this.
Torp (cottages) were found everywhere in Sweden. They were often on the grounds (or under the possession) of a farm. So in this case it seems that the torp belongs to Gillanda.
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Great comments. I believe a Junker is a nobleman in some european countries. Maybe it's referencing ownership. My other theory is that "gren" means branch or arm, like a branch of a river. Maybe there was a steam named Junker thus Junker Branch was a way point. Purely speculation on my part.
Your Torp under Gillanda is a really big help for me as I was thinking "under" was a location vs the sateri it belonged too. So Torp is the city and it belongs to Gillanda makes tremendous sense now.
I am thinking Kiälla is an old spelling of Källa which means source or more commonly a spring of water and is a fairly common place name. This particular Kiälla or Källa might be from a neighboring parish.
You continue to be a great help to me and I appreciate it.
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For Torp see here