Suggestions on 4 words in 1694 Alsace birth record please
This 1694 record for Maria Elisabetha Schmidt from Oberhoffen-sur-Moder, Alsace has 4 words (circled in red) I need help with. I'm also not sure about the wording of the last phrase, which looks to be "Anna Jost Wagners von Greffern aus Hessen des Schafers Eheweib" and I have tentatively translated as "Anna Jost Wagner from Greffern: Wife of Schafer from Hessen". Thanks!
:Maria Elisabetha Jacob Schmidts des hiesigen bürgers und Evä beeder? Eheleute Töchterlein, ist ☿ d[en]. 24. Martÿ Anno 1694. Geboren hor[a]. Pom[erid]. 4. Und Ꙩ Judica d[en]. 25 ejgd. Allhier getaufft worden. die Gevatteren waren: Herr Philipps Reinh. . Serminger? alhir, und Fraed? Maria Elisabetha meier? liebe HaußEhre; und Anna Jost Wagners von Greffern? aus Hessen des Schafers Eheweib.
:Maria Elisabetha, the little daughter of married couple Jacob Schmidt, the local Citizen, and Evä ?, was born Wednesday [☿ Mercury symbol] the 24 March Year 1694 at 4 o’clock in the afternoon and was baptized here Sunday [Ꙩ Sun symbol] Judica the 25 the same [month]. The godparents were: Mr. Philipp Reinh. . ?? here, and ?? Maria Elisabetha ?? dear housewife; and Anna Jost Wagner from Greffern?: Wife of Schafer from Hessen.
Archives d’Alsace; Archives Départementales du Bas-Rhin; Oberhoffen-sur-Moder - Paroisse protestante (Avant 1793) - Registre de baptêmes mariages sépultures 1671-1737 - 3 E 345/1;; Image 42 of 186; accessed 13 Sep 2023.