Transcription of 58. Johannes Schlag + Elisabeth Zirkel please
The image is very unsharp. Can you please upload a better (possibly zoomed-in) version?
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Hello Ulrich,
Thank you for letting me know. Here is another version (I actually would like a transcription & translation):
I made this one by expanding the PDF I had as large as possible and taking a screenshot. Before I exported the PDF to PNG. If my second try doesn't work, please advise on a better method. I really appreciate your help.
If I have been able to do most of the transcription & translation myself, but am stuck on a few words, would it be easier for you for me to upload my efforts with blanks where I am stuck? I have been assuming that it easier for you if I just keep out it and let the expert work unhindered by my effort at transcription & translation.
Thank you so much!
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Hello Heidi,
this image is actually much better, thank you.
Name, Stand, Herkunft, Alter, Konfession und Wohnort des Bräutigams: Johannes Schlag, Maurer und Bauer zu Zündersbach, Sohn des verstorbenen Bauers Heinrich Schlag und dessen Ehefrau Elisabetha gb. Müller gb. den 13. Nov. 1823, Witwer von Carolina Catharina geborene Müller, evgl. Konf.
Name, Stand, Herkunft, Alter, Konfession und Wohnort der Braut: Elisabetha Zirkel, Tochter des Johannes Zirkel jun Schuhmacher und dessen Ehefrau Eva gb. Heil, geboren am 30. DEc 1832, ledig, evangel. Confession
Ort und Tag der gerichtl. Ehe-Anzeige oder obergerichtlichen Bescheinigung: Schwarzenfels, 13. November 1859
Kirchliche Aufgebote: den 20. Nov. d. 4 u. 11 Dec.
Tag und Ort auch Zeugen der Trauung: den eilften December in der Kirche zu Zündersbach
Name, status, parentage, age, faith and place of residence of the groom: Johannes Schlag, bricklayer and farmer at Zündersbach, son of the deceased farmer Heinrich Schlag and his wife Elisabetha née Müller, born on 13 Nov. 1823, widower of Carolina Catharina née Müller, lutheran faith
Name, status, parentage, age, faith and residence of the bride: Elisabetha Zirkel, daughter of Johannes Zirkel jun., Schuhmacher and his wife Eva née Heil, born on 30. Dec. 1832, single, lutheran faith
Place and date of the court marriage announcement or higher court certificate: Schwarzenfels, 13 November 1859
Church banns: on 20 Nov. and 4 u. 11 Dec. [1859]
Date and place also witnesses of the marriage: 11 December [1859] in the church in Zündersbach
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Thanks so much!!