Need translation help for birth of Martha Esswein Ninnemann
Myke Rachu
This is a birth record for Martha Marie Helene born 7 March 1883. Mother is Anna Caroline Friedrike Esswein. She married August Friedrich Wilhelm Ninnenmann on 15 June 1883.
Need a rough translation of the paragraph next to the details about the birth.
Thank you, Myke Rachu
The original (printed) part of the record states that Marie Martha Helene was born illegitimately; no father is named in this part of the record. The handwritten part on the right says that August Ferdinand Wilhelm Ninnemann married Anna Karolina Friederike Esswein on 15 June 1883, and with this marriage he acknowledges that he is the father of the child born on 7 March 1883.
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Thank you.