Looking for records from Karánsebes (Krassó-Szörény)
Dear All, I am looking for records from 1865, 1877, 1894, 1899 but there are only millitary related records from the end of 1800s. Do you have any tip where I can find relevant regular documents? Thank you very much in advance. Best, V https://www.familysearch.org/records/images/beta/search-results?place=3459901&page=1
Unfortunately, there is very little available online for places that are now in Romania.
The Transylvanian Genealogical Association apparently has some Roman Catholic church registers from Karánsebes for 1815 to 1897. You'll need to try an email to one of the addresses listed on their Introduction (Bevezető) page (http://erdelygen.uw.hu/index.php) to ask about how you could access those.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Thank you very much! :)