Transcribe and translate please
Could you please transcribe and translate column 2 of entry #2? Thank you!
The header for column 2 reads - Stand, Charakter, bisheriges Aufenthalts-Ort, Religion, which translates to - Occupation, character, place of residence, religion. The first record lists the residence as Ofterdingen, and the religion as evang[elisch] or Protestant (usually Lutheran). The O in the second column for the second record stands for Ofterdingen, the place of birth, but since the child was stillborn, no religion was mentioned.
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Thank you Sylvia. Could you transcribe and translate the first column for entry #2? I can see that the child was born dead, but don't know what the following words are, nor what they mean. Much appreciated. Jenny
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Column header is "Namen der Gestorbenen" / "Name of the deceased." The second entry reads "Todt geb[orenes] unreifes Kind (gen neutr.) h. geb. 19 Jan 1863." Which means "Premature child (gen neutr.) born 19 Jan 1863." I'm not sure what the "h" means in this context, maybe "here"? The "gen neutr." means, I think, that the child was too premature to determine the sex. Notice that the entry directly below is for a stillborn child, but in this case they were able to determine it was a female.
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Thank you for your insight!