Translation help/ Place location- Thank you for your help
A Cloward
Image 1: Where is the place name referred to? Is Labiessen the equivalent of Labischin/Labiszyn?
Image 2: der Vorname .... .... von dem Sohn Friedrich als/alt Martin angegeben?
Migliori Risposte
Can you provide a link to the page where the first record came from? I googled "Labiessen" and came up with zero hits for such a place name. Even if it is now called something else, it seems that the old version of the name should have shown up somewhere.
The second image reads "Der Vorname ward später von dem Sohn Friedrich als Martin angegeben." - The first name was later given as Martin by the son Friedrich.
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I read: Labiessen im Stolper Kreise
an assume: Labüssow (Łabiszewo) near Stolpe (Słupsk)
Thank you so much for your help!
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