Hungarian Marriage Record
Please help with translation of this Hungarian Marriage Record. I do not have a link only the image.
This is what I think I Know about this record
The date is 12 Jun 1826, The groom is Josef Torok, from Zsadany, the son of Gyorgy Torok.
The bride is Erzsebet Sulyan, daughter of Gyorgy Sulyan.
Please verify that my assumtions are correct and add any additional information that is contained in this record such as mother of bride and groom, age of bride and groom, village of bride.
Thank You
Lewis Klapka
Miglior Risposta
3. Jun. 12
Young man Jósef Török of Zsadány birth, legitimate son of his father György Török, having engaged to be his spouse the maiden daughter Ersébet of György Sulyán who lived in Alsó Hutka, -- after the three lawful announcements they were married in the presence of András Fodor and János Jobbágy.
Officiated, with the letter of preacher István Dúl, by Jósef Dombü(?), preacher of K. D??ny.
Not knowing the location of the church (besides probably somewhere in Abaúj-Torna county), I was unable to figure out where the officiating preacher was from.
Thank You Julia, great job as usual.
Lewis Klapka