Translation/Transcription Request
The handwriting is a bit of a challenge, so here's the best I can do, with column headings for clarity.
- Name des Kindes / name of the child - Andreas Pirner
- Geburtsfolge, Name der Hebamme / Birth status, name of the midwife - leicht [easy], Ursula Pfeifferin
- Name des Vaters, dessen Geschlechtsname / First and last name of the father - Paulus? Pirner
- Stand des Vaters, Religion / Occupation of the father, religion - Bauer, Katolisch / farmer, catholic
- Landgericht, Aufenthaltsort, Nro. des Hauses / District court, place of residence, house no. - Nabburg, Unteraich Nr. 8
- Name der Mutter, Vor- und Geschlechtsname / Name of the mother, first and last name - Anna Pirnerin gebohren Meißnerin von [Rubendorf?] / Anna Pirner nee Meißner from [Rubendorf?]
- Landgericht, Aufenthaltsort, Nro. des Hauses / District court, place of residence, house no. - Nabburg, Nabburg Nr. 8
- Zeit der Geburt [can't read?] Monat, Jahr, Stunde / Time of the birth [can't read?] Month, year, hour - 20 Junÿ 2 Uhr früh 1808 / 20 June 2am 1808
- Tauftag, Ort der Taufe, Landgericht / Day of baptism, place of baptism, district court - 20 Junÿ Nabburg Nabburg
- Pfarrer, der Stellvertreter / Pastor, his proxy - Max Wolf [superi?] hier
- Taufzeugen Vor- und Geschlechtsname, Stand, Aufenthaltsort / Baptism witnesses, first and last names, occupation, place of residence - Andreas Prothman Bauer von Gürnitz / Andreas Prothman farmer from Gürnitz
- Stellvertreter Vor- und Geschlechtsname, Stand, Aufenthaltsort / Proxy, first and last names, occupation, place of residence - [blank]
- Stand der Mutter, Religion / Occupation of the mother, religion - Bäuerin, katolisch / farmer, catholic
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@sylviaelchinger1 Thank you so much!!
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Regarding #2, Is ''leicht" referring to a birth with no complications?
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Yes, that would be my interpretation.
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