Please provide a translation on this birth
I could use much assistance on translating this record (Anna Elisabeth at right side three up from bottom) A death record calculates back to the birth as July 13 1716 and a marriage record indicates her father is Peter Viet. Is this the surname on this record?
Here is the link on archion if more clarity is needed. Thank you
Miglior Risposta
V and F can be interchangeable so this is probably the person you're looking for. Here's the translation -
Date - born 13 July and baptized 19 July
Parents - Peter Feit and Johanetta Christina, married couple in Greifenstein
Witnesses - Christoffel Ulmer and Anna Elisabeth, wife of the new miller Johann Kemper, as well as Anna Elisabeth, Johann Joost Feller's wife from Fleißbach
Child - Anna Elisabeth
Thank you for clarifying F and V are interchangeable . All the Viet records I have looked at show as an F causing much frustration in my searching.