Marth NEIL birth record 1835 - Wigtown
Hello All,
Martha NEIL has been located on the 1841 Scottish Census with her Dad - Robert NEIL and Mother, Susan (McCUTCHEON). in the burgh of Whithorn. However, I am unable to locate her birth record c. 1835. Nor those of any of her siblings:
Any possible leads beyond SP?
With thanks,
What religion was the Neil family? There are Scottish Roman Catholic baptisms, marriages, and burials available on There are also some Whithorn parish registers on FamilySearch. They are usually restricted to view only at an FSC or Affiliate Library.
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A quick check for the family in the 1851 census index (on the ScotlandsPeople website) shows they moved to Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. Perhaps you should visit the website to view this record (ref. 597/ 13/ 28) as it should provide birthplaces for Martha and other family members.
As far as birth records (for Martha and her siblings) are concerned, the ScotlandsPeople indexes haven't any matches for the county of Wigtownshire (for Church of Scotland, R.C., or other denominations), or indeed for the whole of Scotland.
I have found it quite usual not be able to trace Scottish birth / baptism events prior to 1855. Many events appear not to be recorded, or (for some of the non-conformist churches) have probably been lost. Census records from 1851 are usually the best way of finding rough details of a birth, if more precise details cannot be found.
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Hi Paul & Aine, thank you for your responses.
Yes, I had located the Neil family in Kilmarnock on the 1851 census on SP. The 1841 census has them in the Burgh of Whithorn in Wigtown, but like you Paul, I haven't located any birth records for that location for any of the children.
To answer your question about religion Aine, Martha's marriage certificate (1862) says she and her husband were married according to the rites of the Church of Scotland.... but nothing prior to that event. Oh well....