Facebook site "Ulster Ancestry"
Another very useful site - more than a few transcriptions of emigrant or passenger lists. Looking at them its quite interesting that any ship leaving had more than migrants from just the local area. They came from all over, not just the local area, perhaps a different county. Well worth considering if you are trying to find someone on a passenger list. Dont just look at the obvious.
Also there a re some brilliant and useful transcripts. Such as
Religious census of Magherafelt County Londonderry 1766
A Religious census of the Parish of Magherafelt 1766 contained in Parliamentary Returns as to Religion as preserved in documents in the Record Office, Dublin (Bundle 76, No.674) for the Parish of Magherafelt in the Dioceses of Armagh in the barony of Loughenshollen in County Londonderry. Whilst the rector of each parish was obliged to complete this return, few actually did (or if they did, the returns have been lost). L… See more
A 1766 census - what wouldn't you give to have one of those for your family!
The picture is an Irish skyline 01.00 in the morning just after midsummer.
Thanks David this is very interesting
Elder Clarke