Family History Activity Report
On the KA `Information on the Family History Activity Report` it says:
- Submitter: A member is counted once who submits one or more names for temple work. A submission includes printing a Family Ordinance Request, printing a family name card, or sharing a name with the temple. (Note: Sharing an ordinance with another person (even if it is accepted) or accepting an Ordinances Ready ordinance does not count as submitted until the card is printed.)
Does this mean a submitter is counted once each month they submit, or once a year no matter how many times they submit that year?
Miglior Risposta
Thank you for your replies. That is what I was originally told, but have since had other answers. Thanks again and for the articles too.
Unique submissions per calendar year. Submitters are counted only once, the first time they submit, regardless of how many or how frequent their submissions during the year. A purpose of FHAR is to show family history activity of ward/stake members.
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The report shows how many people in the ward/stake have submitted at least one name in the year. Once you are counted, that's it until the next year.
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Hello Jeanette,
Thank you for asking this question in Community.
The other replies you have are correct. An individual submitter is counted only once during a year, regardless of how many submissions they have made. It is just a way to verify that family history and temple work is being done in wards and stakes. There is no restriction on how many submissions you can make within a year and the numbers achieved are not recorded.
Here are some articles that may help you in your research.
We hope this answers your question, but if you need more help, we would like to hear from you again.
FamilySearch Community Support