Translation Request
This is my first research in Hungarian Records and need help identifying the attached record and would love a translation. It is in the family papers left by Karl Heffner (aka Karoly Höffner as in this record) and wife Helen of Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania. The document was created in the Homonna District Court after they had immigrated to the US.
Thank you, Ruth L Terrell, Maryland, USA
[Right-hand side first, because of chronology]
[in pencil?:] Orosz Hrabócz
[rubber stamp:] Royal District Court of Homonna. Arr[ived] 1908 MAR 1. __attachments. 1110.
Subm. on 1 March 1908 under number 1110.
[Oy. Too much lawyerese.] Something about the property rights (tulajdonjog) to a commision or dividend (jutalék) filed in Nagygereblye under number 42 something something lines 1-21 something real properties (ingatlanok) lines 14-16, written to the names of Mrs. György Matyijsik born Anna Mitróka, Mrs. Miklós Strich(?) born Julia Mitróka, and Mrs. András Labancz born Mária Mitróka. Then it all gets rather fuzzy, because the line about what they're actually doing here has been basically lost to the page-fold, but it's something by rights of Károly Valczer and his wife Angyela Hiszlik(?) as proprietors "outside the land register" (assuming that I'm reading tkv correctly and it's short for telekkönyv), and maybe something about purchase of property rights, between each other. Whatever the transaction, it has been entered in the register (though the word is for some reason put in quotes: "bekebeleztetett"), and it's to or on behalf of Ferencz Höffner, his wife Henrika Hettel, and Károly Höffner.
[Signature:] royal something court something office, Károly Rónai, royal something registrar.
[In the background, i.e. ignoring the signatures and stamps, in what looks like pencil, there are some names, none of which I can decipher in full:] ??ovics Adolf, Nagy ??, ??csák János, Ko?? György, Lo?? Vasz??.
[Rubber stamp:] Royal District Court of Homonna. 1908 AUG. 10. ...attachments. 4713.
The left-hand side is very, very similar, but the numbers are different.
Subm. 10 August 1908 number 4713.
[I'll try the lawyerese this time. No guarantees.] The property rights for the dividend/commision filed in Nagygereblye land-register number 111 under line number ? 1 and written to the names of Mrs. György Matyijak b. Anna Mitróka, Mrs. Miklós Sti?? b. Julia Mitróka, and Mrs. András Labancz b. Maria Mitróka under B.3.4.5 -- by rights of Károly Valcz?? and his wife Angela Kiszlik as proprietors outside the land-register -- in the name of purchase rights, distributed evenly between themselves, are entered in the register to the benefit of Ferencz Höffner and his wife Henrika Hettel and Károly Höffner.
Roy. District Court of Homonna, ??-register office. [first letter(s) cut off.] [Signature-scribble:] Rónaik. roy. land-registrar.
As you've doubtless noticed by now, in Hungarian, the surname comes first. I generally re-arrange the names in translations.
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Christmas in May! Thank you so very much for your assistance. It is greatly appreciated by this researcher and the descendants of Ferencz Höffner and his wife Henrika Hettel and Károly Höffner.