Hungarian Marriage Record
Please help with a translation of this marriage record:
It is the record of 11 Jan 1830. I beleive the groom is Janos Szilagyi and I think, but not sure, the brise is Katakin Szanyiszlo. I would like confirmation of the names of the bride and groom and their parents, their villages and ages of bride and groom. A full translation would be appreciated.
Thank You
Lewis Klapka
Miglior Risposta
The mystery word is szolgálatba "in service", and their religion is written as Rfta with a horizontal line above the midline to indicate the abbreviation (but actually making it look vaguely crossed out, to our modern eyes).
In the 1830th year were married the following.
1. Jan. 11. Local resident János Szilágyi young man of Reformed religion, son of István Szilágyi, took as his wife Katalin, who is in service here in Csány but is of Nagy Ida birth, of Reformed religion, maiden daughter of András Szanyiszló. They were married before lord János Szentpéteri [and] István Szanyiszló, by Ferentz Kopré local preacher.
No ages, no mothers, but hey, at least there's fathers.
I hope this link will work better, as the above doesn't really.
Transcription, as far as I can read it:
"Az 1830dik esztendőben eskettettek ezek
Jan 11
itt helybe lakozó Szilágyi János ifjú legény,
refta valláson lévő Szilágyi Istvánnak a fia elvevé magának feleségül
itt Csányba özvegyületbe??? lévő, de Nagyidai születésű, refta valláson lévő
Szanyiszló András h. leányát Katalint
Szentpéteri János, Szanyiszló István"
In the year 1830, the following were married:
11th January:
Local young man Szilágyi János, son of Szilágyi István of reformed faith, has married Katalin, daughter of Szanyiszló András, widowed(???) here in Csány, but originally from Nagyida, of reformed faith.
(probably witnesses:) Szentpéteri János and Szanyiszló István
I honestly can't decipher, just assume the "reformed" part of their faith, but the same writing style appears to be all over in a reformed church record, so it's a safe assumption.
It's not entirely clear who would be widowed (if anyone at all, or I have just misread something else), but clearly the Szanyiszlo's are originated from Nagyida ( ) and not from Csány, where the record is from ( )
Also, Szanyiszló Katalin appears as "h.lánya", short for "hajadon lánya", where "hajadon" is a girl-woman never married before - thus its quite unlikely, that she would have been the widower. Also, for widows usually their late husband is noted usually in the records I've seen, not their father.
Ages are not mentioned as far as I can tell. maybe someone else sees it better :)
1 -
Julia & Zoltan
Thank You for the qucik and informative response. It is much appreciated.
Lewis Klapka