Hungarian birth record
Can someone please help with the translation of this Hungarian birth record?
It is record number 7 , Child is Janos, and parents are Josef Torok and Maria Rigo. I would like further translation of the Village. All of the other records on this Image simply say the village is Csany and then the house number but on this record it adds other words to Csany. I would like to know what those words are refering to.
Thank You
Lewis Klapka
Miglior Risposta
7. Born 11, baptized 12 August.
Child: János, male, legitimate.
Parents: József Török and Mária Rigó, Helvetic Confession [= Calvinist = Reformed] servants.
Residence: outlying farm Világos belonging to Csány
Godparents: János Lesko and Mária Juhász
Officiant: Ferencz Fazekas
(Leaving off the diacritics can rather change things: torok is "throat", török is "Turkish".)
I can't find it in any of the gazetteers, but the Third Military Survey map shows a Világos puszta southwest of Csány, a bit north and west of Gönyü (
(Puszta is literally "wasteland", but it was [and still is] used mostly in the sense of "farm". I believe this goes back to the 1700s, after the Ottomans finally left, and people gradually reclaimed all of the things that had gone to waste during the century and a half of their occupation.)
Thank you for the quick response. That was very helpful. Wuld you happen to know if the name of the village, Vilagos, was changed after WWI ?
Lewis Klapka
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It wasn't ever a village. It's a farm name, and as I said, I can only (tentatively) find it on that one map.
If you fiddle with the settings -- choose the satellite view for the underlying map and reduce the transparency to 0 -- you can see that the road kind of does a weird jog around some fields and a bit of forest, but there are no buildings there any more (
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Thank You, Julia