I'm brand new to Netherlands research and need some help to find the parents of Petronella Hermina S
Here is the link showing Petronella on FamilySearch:
She is mentioned in the obituary of her son here:
I find her on a tree of her husband's family at genealogyonline here:
Here she is on openarchives as the spouse for her husband's death:
I've not found any sign of her on WasWieWas.
Her son was born in Jakarta so she may have been married to William James Oliemans there. Unsure of William's birthplace, may have been Dutch East Indies.
Any assistance of where I may look for Petronella's birth, marriage or death records, or where there may be a mention of her parents.
This page indicates, born in Tempeh in 1906 marriage 1928 Soerabaja with William James
Dutsch name probably is Wim Oliemans;one of the documents above mentioned
S' Gravenhage as living place, possibly born there?
This is Eastern Java,closer to Bali than it is to Jakarta.
William James was a very famous philosopher and writer btw.Strange to see the use of his name here.
Maybe Mieke has insights on this.
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Oops, rather slippery of me, Her father is in the same alinea, Herman, and two wives/two marriages , the latter is the mother(second marriage)
Take care
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Hello Grant,
A couple of excellent websites for Indonesian research:
Roosje Roos http://www.roosjeroos.nl/Zoekscherm
Indische Genealogische Vereniging https://igv.nl/
The following snips are from the Roosje Roos website.
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Petronella Hermina died on 03-12-1996 in Wassenaar, Netherlands
Her parents are Herman Severijn and Jacoba Hermina Adriana Reinking
Herman Severijn
Birth: 08-09-1860 in Padang (NOI)
Death: 17-09-1930 in Surabaya (NOI)
Jacoba Hermina Adriana Reinking
Birth: 21-01-1878 in Modjokerto (NOI)
Death: 11-10-1930 in Malang (NOI)
Source: Family Reinking's website
Herman Severijn previously was married from 27-03-1901 till 08-08-1903 with Johanna Semmler,
she was born on 06-04-1873 at Mr. Cornelis.
Herman was: owner of tobacco-plantation "Kebon Toeroes" at Tempeh.
For more information about Jacoba Hermina Adriana Reinking, and her family see:
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Mieke, i tested ' kebon toeroes Severijn' as a search term and there are some
surprising results in some digital archives,but as they are pdf downloads of
great size,i did not copy them to this prompt.
One of the pdf digital archives , is a very slow building to view , but contains
Severijn and his plantage(via control-f), but there is more to find if one
makes a good search string.
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@Grant Sikstrom
When the Dutch left Indonesia,many of them were repatriated by the government with
big ocean liners.I found Oliemans/Severijn on this manifest.
Search via control F in the document (big), or alphabetically.
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Great find!
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Indeed, Mieke,but the real target of interest, and what i was looking for,was
the location of the tobacco-plantage, as this specific location was used during the Bersiap/independence of Indonesia.The farm owned by Herman, -after they left.
so i was hoping to find the camp's location, as they tend to be documented.
As far as i can see, it should be about 7 km to the Southside of Tempeh.
If i could find the location, would be a nice view to observe it in streetview on google maps.Or a satellite image....
I only found some story about it, not related to Herman's farm.
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And, on this previous page, a son of Herman,bottomline of the site.
it does not disclose the location of the farm , however.
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And, this is where i found the lead to the bersiapcamp its use as concentrationcamp.ìt does mention the tabaccoplantage under 'ligging'
and roughly indicates where it was.
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Hi Adrien,
This is all very interesting for me.
I had a couple of uncles, who were missionaries in Malang.
One of them, frater Augustinus Blomesath, died in a Japanese camp, on 31 August 1946.
His brother Pater Dominus Blomesath went back to the Netherlands around this time.
I will have a look at the link of the ship manifests you shared, to see if I can find him.
Do you know where I might be able to find more information about the camp in Malang?
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The frater was an easy find,if 'broeder' is used in the search term.
So- 'broeder Augustinus Blomesath' the first links were full of info
https://www.bonke-genealogie.nl/progen/persoonslijst/bon/lbl/lbl.ht m
He is at number 3858 on the page,i'm not convinced that you can read Dutch; if so, i will translate the parts of intrest to you.His place of burial is also mentioned.
But maybe you knew all of this already, given your searching skills.
His congregation would be Fraters of Amersfoort.Did you check their
Next target , Malang, camp " De WIJK", it was a neighborhood that was fenced of.
If you have additional info, any;it will help...
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They have about 199 pictures from Malang at this archive
You can hoover them to see the caption, and click to see the metadata.
Also , i found the fraters picture on Geneanet, do you like to have it, or is it already in your basket?
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Thanks for the offer Adrien, but I think my Dutch is still pretty good, even though I have been away from the Netherlands for a long time.
I was in contact with Paul Bonke years ago, also had contact in the past with a Frater Wilfried van der Poll.
But, according to the frater, Broeder Augustinus died, I quote: "Bij de zusters Ursulinen omdat hij daar ondergedoken was voor de Japanse bezetter en het Indonesische verzet".
I don't know where I got the information that he died in a camp in Malang, I will have to do a little more research, it looks like.
Thanks again, Adrien for your help.
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Hi Adrien,
That's a great website. Thank you for the link.
I will have a look if I can find some pictures of him and his brother..
The picture that you found on Geneanet is probably mine.
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It is the obituary that contains the story about his death; at least partially.
If you read it carefully,the Ursulinen are mentioned,and the given that he died suddenly, not aware of it , the evening before.Reading around i found some circumstantial evidence that there was a substantial co-operation with the Zusters Ursulinen, and the paters Karmelieten.It is mentioned somewhere on a site, without substantial evidence that he died in de 'Wijk', probably the site with the Blomsath's?
Malang. This is the area in the town of Malang itself that was fenced of.
I found a little map of it,and the mentioning in the list of camps, along with many story's about the camp.
So the story would be that died here, and is buried on the cemetery
of the Sisters Ursulinen in Surabaja, but only having a gedenksteen
as memorial and a shared one,with some others.You probably have the pictures of the gedenkplaque.
Apparently it is one of the war graves memorials, so he would or should be a war victim--Bombed, burned, shot?-it's not on the obituary.
I found the cemetery of the Zusters in Soerabaja, but only their graves.
Do you like to have it , or is it already in your possession?
I did not find the brother's name on any manifest,nor embedded in a story,but many transports and means of transport were irregular-into the bush via Birma,Thailand.(the later Bishop)
I also gave it a try to find the school the teacher/pater had, but apparently he was head-teacher on different locations.
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Hello, Adrie,
I just found an old family Blomesath file on my old laptop.
To my surprise, I had a photo of the grave for Broeder Augustinus
and an article about the life of his brother, Pater Dominicus.
His brother either stayed or returned to Indonesia after the war.
He is buried in the cemetery Sukun, in Malang.
See attachment.
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Thanks , Mieke, that he stayed or went back is certain, he even took up the Indonesian nationality.
I did not find him anyway, not on any manifest or shipping of repatriates during and after the Bersiap.
The number of regulated transports , by the government of the Netherlands is not in the hundreds, but
in the thousands of vessels , and even so, many were undocumented.
Something on the obituary took my attention, it relates to what you said that one of his fraters told you
about his sheltering with the Sisters Ursulinen,it is one sentence on the obituary--
"Ook in het kamp , probeerde men hem de leiding te geven over een groep geinterneerden", en dat zou toch
redelijk indicatief zijn dat hij in het kamp zijn laatste dagen sleet.Dus wat de frater vertelde tegen jou, is
allicht waar.Ik ben wel redelijk benieuwd naar die grafsteenfoto;vooral mocht er achtergrond aanwezig zijn,ivm de locatie.
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Hallo Adrie,
Het gaat eigenlijk over 2 broers, die beiden missionaries waren in Malang.
Zo dit laatste artikel ging over zijn broer Pater Dominicus.
Die is begraven in het kerkhof Sukun, in Malang.
ook heb ik een manifest gevonden toen zij samen vertrokken zijn.
24 April 1928, vertrokken naar Batavia
B.J.M. en A.J. J. Blomesath
(S.S. Konigin der Nederlanden, gezag... Brouwer?)
Bron: Nieuwe Rotterdamse Courant (25 April 1928)
Het Vaderland, 28 April 1928
Hierbij ook nog een link naar de grafzerk van Frater Augustinus, begraven op her kerkhof van de zusters Ursulinen, maar helaas geen achtergrond
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Ik lijk ze wel uit elkaar te kunnen houden , denk ik althans wel; maar wees niet
verlegen om me te corrigeren,Mieke,ik ben erg makkelijk hoor.
Beiden waren Pater/carmel,maar eentje was onderwijzer/priester en dat is per defenitie Antoon, en de andere,Dominicus, die later bishop werd en de Indonesische nationaliteit aannam bekleedde een groot aantal verantwoordelijke functies in de missie aldaar.
Ik denk als ik het goed voorheb dat het Antoon is die op het doosprentje staat als
overleden in het kamp "De Wijk" bij de Ursulinen...en ook begraven op het Kerkhof der Ursulinen-en of dat nu lokaal is in Malang, of op het kerkhof te Soerabaja, waar de zusters een eigen kavel hadden, en vrijwel al hun graven zijn (nu nog)is onduidelijk.
En dat is eigenlijk de reden waarom ik benieuwd ben naar de foto van die grafsteen.
Ik denk eigenlijk dat dat degene zal zijn die ik eerder al op het web tegenkwam.
De link hierboven lijkt geen grafsteen te bevatten, of ik kon hem niet openenen ter hoogte van de niche 'memories'.
Ik zal vanavond eens proberen zoeken naar het schip.
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At first i tought Konigin was a typo, but on the link in the text, you can read why.
Very well possible this is indeed the boat that brought them to the mission, but the boat was scrapped well before the Bersiap.Would be fine to find the log and master.
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We also could consider to use Soekoen instead of Sukun, in a search term.?
It is not only the cemetary of his grave, but also the cemetery where he did
the burials a a Priest.
Pay attention to the article,Militaire uitvaart te Malang in this newspaper.
Not sure which brother they spoke of.
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De dodenakker te Soekoen staat ertussen op deze link, heel mooie foto trouwens.
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Hallo Adrie,
Have a look at the family Blomesath on familysearch.
The person ID number for Antonius Blomesath (Frater Augustinus) is L2XZ-LZS
Click on memories, and you will see the grave.
It was sent to me by Frater Wilfried van der Poll, who visited Malang in October, 2008.
Adrie, by the way, you are about an hour and a half drive, across the border, from
where I grew up. It's a wonderful little town, called Oisterwijk.
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I found a very nice publication, Mieke.
Truly a magnificent book;and not so old.At first i expected not so much of it, but after reviewing...Awsome!
Could you scroll to page 39 and 38, the architect of the very nice kathedral in Malang has a picture with a pipe.
The caption speaks of the inmetseling van de oorkonde, en de architekt staat links van de priester die de wijding doet.
Let goed op de priester achter hem, zittend en dan weer op degene die de wijding doet....veel kans dat het de broers zijn,
op dat moment waren er daar ook maar twee.Ze lijken ook erg op de foto's op het doodsprentje, en de foto van de dunnere Antoon.Hoe zou jij het inschatten?
ps, ik ben wel al in Oisterwijk geweest hoor, toen ik nog een motor had.
het echte boek moet je wel kunnen bestellen , als je wil , het is redelijk recent.(het graf had ik ondertussen al gevonden)
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Thank you for finding this great book, I am super grateful, and thanks for the great article you found in the newspaper.
It is possible that these are the brothers Blomesath, not sure.
Also see page 84. That is the Santa Maria **** Karmel Cathedral where Bernardus Blomesath (Pater Dominicus) served as priest, and later pastoor.
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Hi Adrie,
Have a look at an obituary, in the "Soerabaijasch Handelsblad", about the funeral of Mgr. Clemens van der Pas.
Pastoor Dominicus and the sisters Ursulinen are mentioned in his obituary.
Have a good look at his photo in the obituary.
I now strongly believe that the person, who did the "wijding" is Mgr. Clemens van der Pas, and behind him his assistant, Pastoor Dominicus Blomesath.
Mgr. van der pas died suddenly in December, 1933, the same year as the wijding of the oorkonde.
Source: Genver Soerabaijasch handelsblad 18-12-1933
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Het is inderdaad de "SS Koningin der Nederlanden"
Zij zijn samen vertrokken van Amsterdam op 24 April, 1928, en zijn aangekomen in T. G. Priok, rond 26 Mei, 1928.
Bron: Genver,
Bataviaasch Nieuwsblad, 23-05-1928
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I had framed out the text in the Surabajisch handelsblad, but overlooked the foto.But i have to agree with you,
i only got one brother correct,but the Mgr is really a spitting image of the other brother.
Dominicus is a home-pitch. Had you seen the book before?..were you aware of the image?
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Btw , Mieke, the interesting part in the book, about the camp in the 'wijk' te Malang, en Bergencamp begint rond pagina 68 geloof ik,beschrijft tot in de details
hoe het daar was, en ook hoe het kamp is vergaan tijdens de onlusten.
Hier en daar in het boek zijn er ook vermeldingen over de straatnamen en de locaties van de Zusters Ursulinen.