Brief Life History and About page
It seems redundant to add a brief life history via the Person Page, and then have it also appear on the About page.
The new Person Page is SO busy and much harder to see things on. Perhaps if you deleted the Brief Life History portion from the Person Page and only had it appear on the About page, it would clear up some space on the Person Page. Allowing us to enter and/or edit the brief life history on the About Page would be extremely helpful.
Thanks for all you do for us!
Nothing on the About page is created on the About page. It's probably best to keep it that way and not start introducing exceptions to that rule. That tab is merely a summary of the Details, Sources, and Memories tabs that is meant to be an introduction to an individual for family members who really are going to be doing minimal if any work in Family Tree.
I just keep the Brief Life History closed on the Detail page since I've never found it particularly useful. That cuts down on the information on the Details page.
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I was one of the ones who argued early on that in a collaborative environment, Brief Life History (Life Sketch, as it was then) is one of the few places a "conversation" can be held which everyone can easily see. Recall how remote and hidden collaborate notes and discussions used to be. So there were compromises made which SHOULD make everyone happy. My beloved Brief Life History is still here, BUT I can edit the layout and move it right to the top, which I have done. Others can keep it down low and ignore it. The notes and discussions are MUCH easier to see, and one can now create an alert - which is so much better than anything on the old person page. In short, the new person page has made me much happier and I feel it has enabled collaboration far better than the old person page. I ignore the About page - it is autogenerated and full of irrelevant stuff (like what my name means) and it can ignore part of a person's life because it ignores all spouses but the preferred spouse.