Please Help With Translation of This Marriage Record.

Will someone please help me with the translation of the attached marriage record? Here is what I think I know about this record. This record comes from the parish of Nasavrky, Chrudim, CZ. It is from the marriage register 1004, 1830-1868, Page 65, Record 1. The groom is Josef Klapka and the bride is Marie Kasafirek, they were married 29 Jan 1856, (I am not sure about the month). Josef is age 36 and Marie is age 23. If possible, I would like to know the following information for both groom and bride:
Place of residence (Village) and House No., Place of birth, Parents names and villages, Occupation of groom. There seems to be a lot of written information with this record, I don't know if it all applys to this marrige record but if it is pertinent to the bride and groom and you are able to translate it I would really appreciate it.
Thank You
Lewis Klapka
Here is the link to the record:
Hello, I already offered Lewis help with translation but sadly this handwriting is illegible to my eyes. So maybe if there's someone who can't speak Czech but has good transcription skills, they could try and transcribe the record and I can do the rest.
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@LuciaV Maybe you can do something with this:
Date: 29 Leden 1856
Housenumber: 12
Groom: Klapka Jozef katolik Chalupnik w Dráhotinzd op. 2 wlasni syn zem?? l?ho Jana Klapky chalupnika w drahotinzd op. 2 ? ?n ho manzelky Katerini ?azene hudec z ??? ?med op. 18. Pbau bzwa leho ganstwi Nasawrski ho w Chrudimsku, ni ni ?res niho ?radu Nasawr skeho, krage Chrudimsk eho
Religion: Catholic
Age: 36
Single/Widowed: Single
Bride: Kasafirek Marie katolicka manzelska do?wa ?zu zem relem Frantissekowy Kasafirek sedlaku z Nasawrd op. 12 a ?? ho manzelky Barbary r?zene Mot?ka Libane: Li??tiwi op 9 Obau bzwa leho gan stwi(?) Nasawrskiho , kra?e Chrudimski ho w kragi Chrudimskem
Religion: catholic
Age: 23
Single/Widowed: single
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Let me have a look. This is already much better than I could come up with.
Date: 29 January 1856
House No.: 12
Groom: Klapka Jozef, catholic, cottager in Drahotice no. 2 ( - wiki is in Czech but you can google translate it or just see some basic info), own (as in legitimate) son of the late (that's if the czech word says "zemřelého" which I think it does with the help of the transcript) Jan Klapka, cottager in Drahotice no. 2 and his wife Kateřina, née Hudec of ??? no. 18. ?? of the former dominium of Nasavrky in Chrudimsko, district of Nasavrky, Chrudim region.
Religion: Catholic
Age: 36
Single/widowed: Single
Bride: Kasafirek Marie, catholic, legitimate daughter of the late Frantisek Kasafirek, farmer from Nasavrky no. 12 and his wife Barbara, née Mot?ka, Libáň no. 9 ( ?? of the former dominium of Nasavrky, Chrudim region in Chrudim region (uhm, makes no sense to me, maybe there was some distinction? but both of those say Chrudimský kraj - Chrudim region)
Religion: catholic
Age: 23
Single/widowed: Single
I worked mostly with the transcript (great job btw!), trying to solve some of the question marks using the original record. It was a bit easier when I had a part of the word solved already. Some are still a mystery to me but I think StH31 and I got as much from the record as we could.
Hope it helps you, Lewis!
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Lucia % StH31,
Thank you for the translation, it is much appreciated.
Could you please take another look and see if you can determine the village of the mother, Katerina Hudec, of the groom. Since most couples were married in the home town of the bride this would help me find the marriage record of Jan Klapka and Katerina Hudec.
Once again thank you both for your efforts.
Lewis Klapka
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To me, it looks like it may be starting with "Luž...". I looked at the current map and found a village called Luže, around 20 km from Nasavrky. This is just a pure guess. You can try to look for records there and if that's not it, just try checking the villages around Nasavrky, because StH31 deciphered, that the village was in the "former dominium of Nasavrky"
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Thank You, I will look in the parish of Luze. I have some Klapka ancestors that lived in Luze.
Lewis Klapka