Seeking Help with 2 Latin Words on Marriage Record in Felsőmindszent
In the 25 Feb 1783 marriage record of Andreas Kinaszt to Catharina Michl, I believe the word after Andreas' name is 'junior'. If so, does anyone know whether it is an indication that his father's name was also Andreas or whether it had different usage back then?
Second, is anyone able to read the second word after the name of the second witness, Joanne Kinaszt? I was hoping it provided some description, but maybe it just says they were also from Felsomindszent.
Here is what I have so far:
Copulatus est honestus juvenis Andreas Kinaszt Junior, huias, annos 20 cum pudica virgine Catharina Joannis Michl Magocsiensas filia, annis 18; Testobis presentibus TBD Preheter et Joanne Kinaszt etiam _imerei; assistente eodem.
The honorable young man Andreas Kinaszt Junior, (from?) here, age 20, was married to the chaste virgin Catharina, daughter of Johann Michl of Magocs, age 18; Witnesses present TBD Preheter and Joanne Kinaszt also TBD; assistant to the same.
I did find Johann Michl in Magocs records, so am happy with that part of the transcription.
The record is the first full record on the right hand page (pg 35) at this link:
Thank you in advance for any help,
Nancy Tengler
Oy, that's some severe bleed-through; you've gotten more of it than I can manage.
I agree that it says Junior, which indicates that he's the younger of two men by this name. The older one may be his father, but it could be an uncle or cousin or even a non-relative.
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Thank you Julia! There was another man by that same name who was slightly older than my Andreas and who married in the parish 2 years earlier. Perhaps he was a cousin. Given that and your comment, I will not assume that the father's name was Andreas as well. I really appreciate your insights!
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Follow-up. I found my Andreas Kinaszt born 1762 in Tolna County and also found that his parents baptized another son born 1760 Joannes Andreas. Perhaps Joannes Andreas was sickly and they wanted to ensure the Andreas name would carry on should he die. Both boys married in Felsomindszent within 2 years of each other, hence the label 'Junior' on my ancestor's marriage record. A sister, Ursula, also married in Felsomindzent around that time. What a thrilling find.
This exercise highlighted the importance of using very loose searches. I thought I was doing so by using wild cards for the surname Kinaszt, e.g. *n*a*s, k*n*t, etc. But the crucial record for the older son, Joannes Andreas, had been indexed as 'King', so I missed it until I loosened my surname search to k* along with wild cards for mother's surname fr*.
Live and learn.
Thanks again!