Death Translation Request
Can someone please help with a translation of the attached church book entry for the death of Rachel Gueffroy (nee Geneola ) in 1758 in Fahrenwalde, Germany.
Miglior Risposta
Rob, I couldn't read all the words in the last 2 lines (you may be able to read them better in another entry in the register).
Charliece Hillery
Le Jeudi 20 Juillet 1758 à 9 heures du matin est decedèe apres une maladie de longue haleine et dans la 36th anneè de son age, Rachel Gueffron, neè Geneola, femme de Philippe Gueffon labourer à Fedrenvald à ente. ce jour sais g? 21? de to à 2 heur ? dans le cimetière de lieu. Robrt P.
Tuesday, 20 July 1758 at 9 am died after a long illness and in the 36th year of her life Rachel Gueffron, born Geneola, wife of Philippe Gueffon, laborer at Fehrenvald, was this day ?21? buried at 2 pm? in the cemetery of this place. Robert [Pastor]