Sadhora / Sadagora Metrical Records in Ukraine
Hello, I'm trying to find older metrical books from Sadagora City in Ukraine (that time it was part of Romania). I found the records which I needed threw FamilySearch as they have online books from 1871 (Roman Catholics) but I would like to find older ones.... Does anyone ever went threw this area and maybe know where to find these metrical books, even old census records from 1869 etc from this city?
I'm particulary interested in village of Cernauca / Czernawka but all records are in Sadagora's books. Names: Hoda, Abrahamowski, Stanszak. I've been told, local church was built in 1780 so there must be some records up to 1780. But Sadagora's books from 1850 etc would be very helpful.
Thank you very much for any tip!
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