Looking for birth record for Anthony Kudla, born abt. 1845 in Austria to Jacob and Sophia
Looking for birth records in Austria between 1840 and 1850?
Where can I find a birth record for Anthony Kudla, who was born in Austria around 1845 to parents Jacob and Sophia Kudla? He is Anthony Kudla Sr., and his son is Anton T. Kudla Jr., born in Wisconsin.
Surname variations include KUDLA, CAUDLAH, KUDTA, and KUDLO.
Anthony KUDLAH (KUDLA), “Portage Declarations of Intention 1880," states that he was born in “Austria” about “1845” and landed at the port of “New York” “in June,” the year 1874, and the card is dated 1 November 1880.
"Wisconsin, County Naturalization Records, 1807-1992," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-L93D-96TW?i=71&cc=2046887&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3A6Q8G-4HZM : accessed 17 January 2023), Portage Declarations of Intention 1880, image 72 of 195; State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Madison.
In an American record from the 1800s, "Austria" could cover about half of Europe. There isn't a single database anywhere that I know of for baptismal records from this large area, and what there is is not all indexed (searchable by name).
The indexes I know of (on FS and on Genteam) did not cough up a likely candidate, so I think you're stuck on this side of the pond for a while longer. Perhaps an arrival record might narrow down his origin a little? Steve Morse has some pretty flexible search forms for those.
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Thank you, Julia.
I will see what other records I may find on this side of the pond.
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The goal is to find the name of the town he came from in Austria. See if you can find his family in records for the church he attended which may give his town of origin. Was he married in the U. S.? If so, his church marriage record (not the civil marriage) may help you.
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The name Kudla sounds very Czech to me. The region of Bohemia was a part of Austria at that time. So I would look at Czech (Bohemian) records with the name of Antonín Kudla or similar. But just because he might have been Bohemian, doesn't mean he couldn't have come from any other Austrian town.