Help with details in these records please
I just found this family line through a research consult! It looks like they were in this village for many generations. I could use some help with the details. I am trying to learn the common words so I would appreciate any help on that you can offer. I haven’t gotten sources in for these yet but did add them. Martin Merta GJXQ-1K2 and Magdalena Zarwetak GJXQ-YX7 - is this record for a different wife? House 69 is common to several records. Thanks for any help
Birth of daughter Franziska Merta
Here's the translation for the marriage entry for now, (I haven't got the hang of juggling sources yet, so I cannot help there, sorry):
Den 2. Februar ?Beyer Cooper. – Haus No 69 – Martin Merta, Gemeiner von Kaiser Infanterie Regiment (Joseph Merta, Father) – 22 Jahre - Magdalena Wittwe nach Joseph Cižes, Podseker – 25 Jahre – Simeon Bartek? Mathäus Unger – Beyde Podseker – in Stupawa
Date: Feb 2nd
Groom: Martin Merta, soldier (Gemeiner was the lowest rank in the Austrian Army) in (a) Imperial Infantry Regiment, aged 22 years, son of Joseph Merta (the crosses appear to be the father's signature)
Bride: Magdalena, widow of Joseph Cižes, podseker (Czech for farmer), aged 25 years
Witnesses: Simeon Bartek? and Mathäus Unger, both farmers in Stupawa