Could someone help figure out what the name of the town is on Record #82 of this page.
I have a polish map that I've been checking for a match, but the closest i'm finding on the map is Nowosiolki. Nowo Siroeki? Based on the records before it I'm thinking the area should be directly to the east of Lutzk Volhynia. 204/pages/PL_1_439_204_0183.htm
Thanks a lot!!
I can't get the link to open up...would you mind posting it again?
0 - 204/pages/1_439_0_0_204_0185.htm
They updated the link! Hope this works for you! Thanks!
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Yep, that one worked!
To me it looks like Новом Строении, which is in prepositional case (because it's in a location). Changing it back to the base form, it would be Новoe Строение (Nowoe Stroenie). The library is currently closed, so I don't have access to some of the usual sources, but I did look in the Spiski gazetteer for the Volhynia gubernia, but didn't find it there. This gazetteer, however, is from 1906, so it's possible that the town didn't even exist by then. Click here for a link to a copy of the gazetteer if you are interested in it for future research questions.
I did find a reference to a Новoe Строение, located in the Новочарторийская (Novochartorisk volost), Новоград-Волынского уезда (Novograd-Vohlynsk uyezd) in the Volhynia gubernia. It's a Folwark, or a serfdom-based farm and agricultural enterprise. That could be why it's not showing up on a map. Here's a link to the Ukrainian genealogy ukrfamily that shows the place listed:
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Thanks for your help!
Best regards,