Help deciphering ship manifest
I have a ship manifest for my great grandfather and wife and children. Their records are lines 25-28 (and 31). However, it is not completely readable and the information does not appear to be correct. I am attaching the manifest pictures. Could someone help me read the Last Permanent Residence and the name and address of the relative or friend columns? Here is the information from the record but his name is Janos Zakarias. The record has his name wrong at this place in the manifest. My grandfather was born on the boat and his information is added on line 31. He was named after the ship, Prinz Frederick Wilhelm Zakarias.
Thanks for any help!
Here is the info from the record:
Name: Janos Zakarsas
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Magyar (Hungarian)
Marital status: Married
Age: 32
Birth Date: abt 1880
Birth Place: Hungary
Other Birth Place: Homsoodugpaleo
Last Known Residence: Homorowj Falu, Hungary
Place of Origin: Magyar, Hungary
Departure Port: Bremen
Arrival Date: 1 Mar 1912
Arrival Port: New York, New York, USA
Final Destination: So Pullman, Illinois
Height: 5 Feet, 4 Inches
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Money in Possession: 400
Person in Old Country: Fani Konowaij
Person in Old Country Relationship: Aunt
Person in Old Country Residence: Folote Hojhalyne
Person in US: Frank Babo
Ship Name: Prince Friedrich Wilhelm
Images are still not working properly in Community; in future, make sure to include links.
Is this the manifest you're talking about?
25. Zakarias János, 32, male, married, wheelwright, can read and write, nationality Hungary, race Magyar, last residence Homorod-ujfalu, departure contact Fekete Mihalyné, aunt, Homorodujfalu, destination Ill., So. Pullmann. Passage paid by self, in US before, 1903(?) ?? Pullmann Ill., destination contact law Frank Szabo, 738-119 Str., W. Pullmann Ill, birthplace Hungary, Homorod[uj]falu. [Inserted between surname and given name: father of 31]
26. Zakarias Rebeka, 31, female, married, house wife. [Ditto marks across rest of page.] Passage paid by husband, birthplace Hungary, Vargyas.
27. Zakarias Gyula, 6, male, single, occupation none, cannot read and write, U.S. citizen. [Rubber stamps: in hospital, discharged.] Passage paid by father, claims US born no ??, birthplace USA, ??? Harbor.
28. Zakarias Jolan, 4, female, single. [In hospital, discharged.] Passage paid by father, birthplace USA, West Pullman.
31. Zakarias Pr. Fr. Wilhelm, 9 days, male, nationality Hung., with/ father #25, child born ?? ???. [They did not add him on the second page.]
Homoródújfalu and Vargyas were both in Udvarhely county, Transylvania. They are now Satu Nou and Vârghiş, Romania, respectively. They both had Unitarian churches locally, and Vargyas also had an Eastern Orthodox church (
Note that Fekete Mihályné (their departure contact) is "Mrs. Michael Fekete".
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Thanks for the info on the links. This is my first post.
Yes, those are the references.
My grandfather was first put on a different page and then crossed out and added on 31 above. Here is the other page information.
"New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 2 March 2021), Friedrich Wilhelm Zakarias, 1912.
I don't know how to make the citation you made for each person. Did you do that by hand or is there a way to copy it directly? I looked for how to post information but I didn't see it.
Thanks for the information you gave me, that really helps a lot. I didn't see the details that you have above. I am sure I am sounding like a newbie, sorry.
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My mom says she remembers meeting Frank Szabo listed as their destination contact. My mom really does not have any information past Janos and Rebeka. Is there a good way to get information about genealogy from that area of Romania? I would even be interested in hiring someone. I can't read Romanian or Hungarian.
It is a shame that about 5 years ago I was in Romania about 10 miles from those towns, Satu Nou and Vârghiş. I wish I known more about this then.
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Sorry it wasn't clear: those are my readings/transcriptions.
You can get to FS's indexes using the Image Index tab. They're out of order and unconnected, but they're all there.
Baby, bottom of same page:
Baby, separate page:
11. Zakarias Friedrich Wilhelm, 7 days, male, single, occupation none, cannot read and write, nationality Hungary, race Magyar, born on board SS Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, 22/II. 12., destination Ill., West Chicago, below? Zakaria[s]. ??no, ?13 No. 25, destination contact Frank Szabo 738/119 Str., W. Pullmann Ill., Color of hair bld. [bald], born on Sea on board Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm 22/II.12.
(I was amused by "bald".)
Unfortunately, very little genealogical documentation is online for places that are now in Romania. (Heaven forfend that people find out just how non-Romanian their ancestors were. [Sorry 'bout the cynicism.]) FamilySearch's catalog only has three items from Udvarhely county: two Lutheran church registers filmed in Germany after the second world war, and an ethnographical work that mentions a town (Parajd) in the county.
You could try contacting János Kocs of the Transylvanian Genealogical Society. I think they've mostly moved to FaceBook, which I don't do, but the old website still exists (, and its list of resources ( includes both the Unitarian church registers and a Unitarian family book for Vargyas. As far as I know, János knows English pretty well, but if you need any translation from/to Hungarian, I'd be happy to help.
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Thanks so much for all the help! I figured those were your interpretations of the manifest. That helps so much. I don't have much experience reading them and could not understand a lot. Also, I thought the "bald" was quite funny too! My mom has the ship chart (map of course given to her grandmother by the captain) from that voyage and also a small silver coin bank from the ship that looks like a cup.
I will keep digging on this and if I have other questions I will certainly ask. Thanks again for the help on this.